
RealtyPress Premium V1.9.1 Update

Added: Description parameter to the [rps-listing-search-box] shortcode.
Added: Keyword input to [rps-listing-search-form] shortcode.
Added: Keyword input hide option to listing search form widget.
Added: Search form shortcode dropdowns for city, neighbourhood, and community.
Updated: Link to retrieve coordinates when creating a manual listing.
Updated: Disabled single listing slider href when swipebox is disabled.
Updated: AmmenitiesNearBy column length to 180 character max.
Updated: DDF updates of agent photo CDN URL’s
Updated: DDF updates of office logo CDN URL’s
Fixed: Display of custom agent and office photos.
Fixed: jRange slider Divi Nan bug.
Fixed: Template class undefined post variable.
Fixed: Uppercase text converted to uppercase words bug.
Fixed: Encoding of the city value being passed in the city widget list.
Fixed: [rps-listings] pagination redirect on posts.
Fixed: Debug page checkbox reveal bug.